Gebreselassie in eervolle functie World Economic Forum

Geplaatst op Dinsdag, 12 mei 2009
Gebreselassie in eervolle functie World Economic Forum

Haile Gebreselassie is door het World Economic Forum gevraagd om Young Global Leader in 2009 te worden. Samen met andere invloedrijke personen, met diverse achtergronden, kunnen de Young Global Leaders daadwerkelijk wat betekenen in belangrijke wereldwijde vraagstukken. Ze worden in staat geacht invloed te hebben op de onderwerpen die op de agenda staan van wereldleiders. Het World Economic Forum heeft Gebreselassie gevraagd vanwege zijn grote staat van dienst in de atletiek, vanwege zijn hoge maatschappelijke betrokkenheid en vanwege zijn vermogen om de toekomst van de wereld vorm te geven. Gebreselassie is zeer vereerd met zijn uitverkiezing, zo valt te lezen in onderstaand persbericht dat Global Sports Communication uitbracht.

Press release

-12 May 2009-

Haile Gebrselassie selected as Young Global Leader

Haile Gebrselassie, the famous long distance runner from Ethiopia, has been selected as a Young Global Leader for 2009. This honour is bestowed by the World Economic Forum. The Forum of Young Global Leaders forms a unique global network of peers from diverse backgrounds and fields, and offers a highly visible opportunity to significantly impact world affairs and shape the global agenda. Gebrselassie has been selected in recognition of his record of professional accomplishements, his commitment to society and his potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world through inspiring leadership.

Gebrselassie has an impressive curriculum in running, he started his carreer in 1992 and returned from the World Junior Championships with two golden medals. He then went on to develop in both 5.000m and 10.000m winning nine gold medals at several World Championships and, most impressively, a double Olympic victory in 10.000m. He broke 26 World Records, of which the most recent being the marathon World Record completed last year in Berlin. For the next years his aim is to improve his marathon time and train towards a golden medal in London 2012.

Not only succesful in running, Gebrselassie has built an impressive business imperium in Ethiopia. He has always been loyal to his country and choses to develop businessnesses in his home country to create employement and economic growth for Ethiopians. Having introduced several properties in Addis Ababa he will open his new hotel in November of this year. As well as this, Gebrselassie works and donates to several good causes for projects and works as an ambassador for Local Heroes that supports projects for schoolchildren in Ethiopia.

With two honoury titles to his name, Gebrselassie received a honorary doctorate at the National University of Dublin in 2005 and was praised for his contribution to social projects on education and HIV/AIDS prevention. In 2008 he received a honorary doctorate in Sports Science from Leeds Met University for his outstanding contribution to sport.

Gebrselassie feels honoured to be chosen as a Young Global Leader. After contributing to his country for so many years, he can now contribute in shaping a better future for the world.